Adulting in 2020 Pt. 1

Opportunity Made
25 min readDec 22, 2019


I am so excited!! I can’t believe a new year is upon us. 🎉

What a blessing (and a wonderful challenge) this past year has been. There are so many people, experiences, and things to be grateful for. As I move into this new year, I am taking some time to reflect, digest, and plan.

Scott Webb Photography, London, Canada

Having a fresh start is a grand opportunity to become a new you. Better, brighter, healthy, and wiser!

As part of my reflection process, I want to share with you all the ways I plan on holding myself accountable for being an even better person in 2020. This will be a six part series.

In each post I will share tips, tricks, products (*No one is paying me to mention their product or service. *Ask a Dr. if you have questions. I do not offer accurate medial advice.), and good practices for accomplishing my 50 new year goals.


Yes, 50.

All of them will start out as general good practices that I already do but want to do with more diligence and that you can apply to your fabulous game plan. In part six, I will share goals specific to me.

META 🤔 MOMENT: Not only do I hope you get some value out of this, but really, my writing of this six part series is me actively taking the first step towards accomplishing what I want. By saying out loud, writing down, and very thoroughly thinking through my goals, my brain is more likely to remember and internalize everything I say I am going to do, thus increasing the chances that it comes true! 🏆

Yes this is for you, but it is also me actively working towards starting the year right. Maybe you can do the same for yourself.

Take some time in the next few weeks to reflect, digest, and plan. Then tell someone about it.

Note: If anything in this series sounds cliche or like you have already heard it a million times, that’s probably because it is. — I’ve realized over many years that the reason some platitudes stick around for years, becoming phrases your grandma says to you, ones you will say to your kids, is because there is truth to them. And ironically these are the ones we brush off as silly or simple because we’ve heard them so often.

But I have started to learn more about life and can see how these cliches that we ignore are actually bits of gold we should be tucking into our pockets. So stop and reread anything you glance over. Internalize it and really ask yourself if you have already truly invested time in developing good habits and the discipline to follow and accomplish these 50 goals.

Now if a goal just straight up doesn’t resonate with you then move on — although if I were you, I would be asking myself why I don’t think it has any value for me because I’ve come to realize there is something to take away from everything and if we think there isn’t, our values are probably in the wrong place. We need a new perspective.

Before we begin, I just want to let you know that actually applying ANY of this to your life could change it in some form. But you have to do the work. If that sounds ridiculous and you’re ready to write me off, read ^^^ above.

(Psst….you got this) 😉✨

2020.1 Have Good Posture

Why this matters: When we are 80 you will thank me for this. With heavy backpacks, laptops, ‘text neck’, binge watching Netflix, video gaming, etc — the list goes on — we all have poor posture. Additionally, as people generally become heavier, a lot more people have posture issues as extra weight can pull on the body in ways it is not used to. All of this can lead to a slouchy back, bent shoulders, and an arched neck.

Not only is this not attractive, but it’s unhealthy. It can lead to back pain and other issues which cause you to distort your posture even more and it becomes a never ending cycle. I highly encourage you to consider this seriously.

When I was in my teens, people always told me I had such great posture. It’s still pretty good today, but I can tell it’s getting worse. Working at a desk and on my computer all the time, along with holding stress in my neck and shoulders pulls on other parts of my body and slowly turns me into a raw macaroni, folding in upon myself.

What you can do:

  • Poor posture can come from a stiff body. Stretch after working out while your muscles are warm. Lightly stretch in bed before or after sleep. Get massages or visit a steam room regularly. I also enjoy stretching in the hot tub if you have one available. If not, a hot bath works too! 🛁
  • Replace your desk chair with a stool that allows you to place your feet firmly on the ground. Engage your abs and imagine a string running from the top of your head, pulling your back long and tall. Once your body is in a tall and straight position, relax your muscles but keep your frame in position
  • When you walk or run, tuck your hips under by tightening up your abs. Loose abs leads to a curved back, protruding stomach, and crunches your lower vertebrae. It might be good to do ab work daily if this is hard for you
  • Get a 3D body scan or use a tool to measure your posture. You could also have someone take a side view picture of you standing normally so you can see the areas you need to work on. Or do a posture check (read here). If the check shows you need to fix a few things, talk to your doctor and see what you can do
  • Sleep on your side and with a pillow in between your knees to balance your hips. If you do sleep on your back, use a small pillow that can go right under your neck
  • If you spend a bit of time driving, make sure your seat, mirrors, and wheel are all adjusted so your body is in an easy position and you don’t have to strain to see or drive
  • Do yoga. I know everyone is getting on this band-wagon. But there are many reasons to join. And if you don’t want to dish out $$$ for a pricey membership, there are many great yoga videos online or for purchase.
  • Get good shoes, a good mattress, a good bra ♀ and workout!


2020.2 Drink Water

Why this matters: Everyone knows that I am pretty good at drinking water, but this year, I really hope to knock it outta the park!

Water is so precious and absolutely vital. It flushes your system and removes toxins. When we don’t drink water our bodies can become very acidic, toxic, and unhealthy. This is such a huge issue. I recently had a grandfather pass away because of acidosis: when your bodily fluids such as blood are too acidic. This can be caused by many things and I’m not saying it was from not drinking enough water, although he was notorious for never drinking water — He hated it — but that can be a factor. It usually come from a built up of either CO2 in the lungs, lactic acid or ketones in the kidneys, or a loss of sodium bicarbonate.

Point being, our body is mostly water and if we don’t flush it, things built up. So drink up!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

What you can do:

  • Get a big water bottle. I don’t like refilling glasses so I carry around a gallon water bottle. You should consume about half your body weight in ounces or more if you are sweating or at a high altitude
  • Get a water filter. I recently moved and do not like the taste of the water. If you are in the same boat, rather than buying bottled water, get a filter. It is cheaper and more sustainable
  • Add something to your water. That does not mean coffee or sugar!! Flavor with mineral packets such as emergenc or fruits like lemons or limes
  • Check your pee. Sorry, but it’s true. Look in the bowl and see the color. Dark = Drink. You want light pee that looks like lemonade or lemon water. (Sorry if I just ruined either of those for ya 🙃)
  • Track it. Buy a journal or use an app to track how much you drink. Make tally marks — one for every 8oz
  • Pay attention to you. I know there are certain glasses and mouth openings from which I will naturally drink more water. Sounds weird, but I use that information to make sure I only put my water in containers that I like drinking from
  • Drink 30 minutes after eating. This is one I am excited to incorporate into my daily routine. Your stomach has digestive enzymes that break down your food. When you flush your meal with water it dilutes those enzymes. Just eat your meal and drink after the digestive process has begun.
  • *Also — side note — chew your food! 🦷 I know we were talking about water here, but if you chew 20–30 times for every bite of food you take, your stomach will be so much happier as digestion begins in the mouth not the stomach and you won’t eat more than you have room for as chewing slows you down and gives your body time to recognize that it’s full.


2020.3 Go Unrecognized

Why this matters: They always told us in school be a good person and do the right thing even when no one is watching. While I agreed with this at the time, the older I get the more I love this principle.

I think it is so fun to do nice things for others without them knowing it. Like a fairy godmother!! ✨🎀👗

I feel good when I hold myself to standards that I can be proud of WHILE knowing that no one else will be praising me for it. I have pride in that.

Make wishes come true and do good.

I will only give you one example because I don’t want to spoil too many granted wishes, but one of my most recent examples was from Halloween. There was a pumpkin patch nearby and I decided to visit it to pick out a pumpkin. I had a $100 bill in my pocket (don’t get any ideas — I don’t usually walk around ballin’ like that! 💰💰💰). I found the pumpkin I wanted and then went to the check out. Then I felt an urge to help out. I asked the cashier if I could pay with the $100 and donate my change to whomever bought the next pumpkins.

Essentially this is the Starbucks line trick where you pay for the person behind you. Now there wasn’t a line so who ever got their pumpkins paid for wouldn’t know who paid for them. But she said yes! So I paid for my $15 pumpkin and bought a few other families’ pumpkins too.

That was cool 😎

I knew that all of the proceeds from the pumpkin patch were going to Habitat for Humanity so it really was a good day.

What you can do:

  • Pay for someone in line
  • Mail a gift to someone anonymously
  • Coordinate with someone’s family or friend to do something special for them such as cover a new water heater (okay, not that special, but meaningful none-the-less), rake their yard, send them on a trip, buy them a new __X__, email them a coupon, call their university and pay off some of their student loans (my favorite thing to do!!)
  • Donate to a good cause in someone’s name
  • Send them tickets to an event. My aunt bought my mom tickets to her favorite show in Las Vegas without asking and emailed them to my mom. She was so surprised when she opened her inbox! And then she flew out and went to the show 💃
  • All the usual but highly overlooked things — pick up trash, wipe down a table, hang up a fallen piece of clothing — make life easier for others and leave things better than you found them


2020.4 Laugh & Play

Why this matters: Well,

Photo by Dan Cook on Unsplash
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Enough said 😂

It makes us feel good (& might even make us more attractive).

What you can do:

  • Be around people you love and feel comfortable with. For most of my life I was not comfortable being myself with others. Only my brother could bring out the goofy side of me. Now, as my self confidence grows, I feel much more okay with acting silly, making a witty comment, or be playful and not feeling like I am being irresponsible or emotionally immature. If you can’t express this part of yourself, cuz everyone has it, find some new friends, do things to stretch your comfort zone, and increase your knowingness that you are okay just the way you are — Silly or not! 🤪
  • Watch comedies. Now I particularly do not think certain types of comedy are funny — I think they are rude and profit off degrading others so find the kind of humor that strikes your funny bone
  • Read jokes or comics
  • Spend time around children. They always know how to have fun and always love having someone to play with. They can remind you how cool are you. Find a cousin, niece, nephew, next door neighbor kid, or someone you can mentor through a community organization
  • Work in a place where you can make a joke or be playful (respectfully of course) every once in a while and it is okay. The third tenant of my work place is Have Fun so it is baked into the culture. As an example, my co-workers and I made lego ornaments and played a human-size Operation game just last week. If your workplace scoffs at this, find somewhere else to be. Humans need a way to release the tension that builds up during the work day and if they can blow some steam by playing ping pong during lunch vs going home and engaging in questionable or violent behaviors, all the better. Their families will thank you for it too! It also floods our bodies with good endorphins which your brain begins to associate with your work. Just like when your phone lights up, you perk up, you could start feeling that way about work if it was more fun. Wow! Wanting to go to work on Monday…. what a concept 💥. No more 🤯


2020.5 Be Driven By Your Values

Why this matters: When you are driven by your values, life comes together the way that you want it to. If you have clear values — aka you value something — and life plays out in a way that matches your values, then you will have a life that has value to you. When you value your life it prevents a lot of tragedies. These could be as extreme as suicide to something as simple as waking up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning.

The decisions I make every day are a reflection of what I value. Sometimes values can clash with other values such as convenience, efficiency (which my brain and body value), and flight or fight reactions. But often I am acting from my acquired values rather than my genetic ones.

Your values can determine how long you stay at work, what quality of a job you do, how you treat people and thus what kind of culture you work in, and so on. Reflect upon the current state of your life and it will tell you what you value —both the good and bad.

You might come back and say “But my life isn’t what I want so how can it reflect my values?”. Mmmm, I’m not too sure about that. If there is really something not cool happening in your life ask yourself very frankly how do I play a role in this?

  • Have you been proactive in changing the situation?
  • Have you made an effort to create different habits?
  • Have you done the work to resolve old wounds and heal the past? Or are you stuck in old patterns that feel safe because they are what you are used to?

An extreme example of this is when a child is abused. If social services comes to take them away, they will tightly clutch onto the abusive parent. Why? Because humans like the known. We know what to expect from the abuser. We know how to handle the pain and we may have even mentally associated love with the abuse. They might think, “If I don’t have this abuser, how will I ever be loved?”.

If there is something in your life that you do not like, what is it about that something that you do like enough to keep doing it?

For example, I hate showering when I’m not that dirty. So if I need to shower because I’m getting ready for an event or it’s just been enough days and I really shouldn’t go any longer, I will go workout and then shower. Okay, sure. But why? Well, if I really analyze the situation, I will realize that I love the feeling of contrast — the contrast between how sweaty gross I was and then how clean I am after the shower. This is just something I know about myself.

This can translate into other things too. I love watching wardrobe make-overs or editing resumes. To see the contrast between before and after is fun. So what does this mean for you?

Well, even though this is a small example, it could be the reason why you can’t loose weight or find a good relationship, etc. What if you are not being honest about your behavior and therefore you are not able to:

  1. Recognize it
  2. Accept it
  3. Change it

No one needs to judge you. You are okay the way you are. But be honest with yourself. Do you like playing the victim? Do you like the push and pull of a good nasty fight? Do you like being alone but don’t want to say so, so you complain about how unattractive you must be and about how you can’t find anyone who’s into you, …..blah, blah, blah.

What would happen if you were just honest?

I like playing games, I like being by myself, I like watching other people struggle, I like being a victim, I like feeling the attention I get from not/over eating, I like having problems otherwise I’d be bored and have nothing to talk about, I like feeling unattractive because then when I talk about it people tell me I am pretty, etc.

We have all sorts of stories. But you need to know what they are so you can determine what you value and how that drives your life, your work, and your ability to make an impact.

Here is how your story and values can negatively impact you: I shared I love transformation. Well, if I am not conscious of how I act through this value some unhealthy behavior can come out. Because I love to feel and see change from less than to greater than, sometimes I will eat things that make me sick like too many chocolate chip cookies and then eat cleanly and workout the next day.

Eating cleanly and working out is great, but putting a bunch of sugar into my body just so I can comparatively feel really good tomorrow is not a healthy behavior. So by being aware of our values, we can know how they play out in our life and if we don’t like the way they make us show up we can change our values or mitigate the ‘negative’ side.

What you can do:

  • List out your values — Honesty, Integrity, Knowledge, Money, etc
  • Keep track of what you do in a week. Write down how much time you spend doing each thing. How you spend your time also tells you what you value. Be accurate
  • Journal about what you do and don’t like in your current life situation. This is where the honesty comes into play. Do you stay late at work because your afraid of getting fired, or is it because your workaholic parent might be disappointed in you (not that they would know your schedule, but subconsciously you are worried), are you avoiding going home because you don’t want to be alone, or did you actually not want a family in the first place and never could be honest about that back then? Just an example, but really seriously think about your life and actions
  • Check your bank statement. Where you spend your money also tells you what you value
  • Do you donate time or money? Whether you do or not will tell you something about your values. If you do, where and to whom?
  • Write down all the things that make you mad. Usually people get mad because they care about something. Use this list of angry things to show you what you value


  • Read
  • Read
  • Read *At the bottom of this article, you can gather more information about what this author values
  • Read

2020.6 Be Honest

Why this matters: After №5 you may be wondering what more could be said about honesty. And I’m here to answer your inquiry 😊

Not only is it vital to be honest with yourself. You also know being honest in general is a good thing to do.

But I want to emphasize how much value I have gained from being honest in my life and how dull I feel when Iam not honest about something and wish I had been.

Be honest with yourself about what you want, who you are and why you do things and bring that same honesty into your interactions with others. This doesn’t mean you are always talking about your mistakes, but being honest could mean bringing your full self to work and saying you are tired when people spout off the normal “Hey! How are you?”.

Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash

It could mean telling someone that you admire something they did or advocating for someone when something wrong is happening to them and you don’t think the behavior is okay. It could be telling your children you had a hard day at work and really want to scream, but you are not going to and need some space to cool off before you can play with them.

Having honest conversations will help you become more aware of your own inner workings and gives other people permission to show up with their full selves as well.

Maybe you tell your boss you honestly don’t want to do what they just asked you to do.


BUT, you also say why and then ask them for help so you can have a different response next time. For example, let’s say they ask you to call so-and-so. You really don’t want to because so-and-so talks over you. So you tell your boss “Hey, I know you have asked me to talk to so-and-so. I know this is important because of xyz reason. I just want to let you know that I am feeling uncomfortable when I think of making this call because so-and-so always talks over me and never listens. I will make the call regardless of your answer because I know it is important, but would you be willing to ___fill in blank___ so it goes smoother?” Who cares what their answer is. They could say no or yes, but regardless, you learned more about yourself and brought your full self to the situation. By saying it out-loud, it will be easier to deal with.

Fill in blank could be:

  • be on the call with me
  • talk to so-and-so and encourage them to listen
  • find someone else to talk to them next time
  • encourage them to go to a communication workshop
  • etc

Doesn’t matter and you’ll have to adjust the concept to the situation, but by being honest problems, conflict, denial, and poor habits can be avoided. Not to mention you could develop a good culture, get great results, and have closer relationship— in your office, home, or school.

What you can do:

  • Track your moods & feelings. When something happens, check in and write it down. It can be as discreet as a red, yellow, green, or blue dot or your could write a journal entry about it
  • Practice your conversations in the mirror. Pay attention to body language and eye contact. Did you look away? Why? Are your shoulders slouched inward? How do you feel?
  • Establish a good foundation for your relationships. If you have no sense of trust or respect in a relationship, it is going to be hard to be honest and vulnerable. Consider getting to know this person better before talking about more personal topics. Alternatively, consider if you need to move on from this person
  • If you are not usually open and honest about how you feel, tell the other person “I am practicing feeling my feelings so this may not come out well, but I’m going to give it go. I’d like to talk to you about …”. You can even say that to your kids
  • *Remember if the other person responds poorly it has nothing to do with you. They may be really out of touch with their feelings too 🤬


2020.7 Know How To Communicate

Why this matters: We are just gonna ride this train all the way to the end lol.

Being able to communicate can make or break your relationships and that’s really all we have in this life. You make it or break it based on your relationships. So let’s make it through and break this down.

What you can do:

  • Start statements with I. I think, I feel, I wonder…
  • Listen. And then repeat back what you heard by saying “So what I heard you say was…”, “Am I right in thinking….”, “Did you mean….”, etc.
  • Be honest (See №6) & aware of your feelings
  • Respond rather than react. If I call you a mean name and you call me one back, you are reacting. If I call you a mean name and you say “I feel hurt when you say that. It makes me wonder why you are so upset. I would like to be here for you so you can share. Is there something I am not understanding?….” — that is you responding
  • Make sure you are not starving, sleep deprived, on a time crunch, or have to use the bathroom when you begin conversations. This can make you less empathetic or present and the other person may take your body language as annoyance with them and become more upset
  • Give yourself some space. Take a breather. This should be something that is good for you and helps you relax. Smoking or other such activities is the opposite of a healthy breather — it just numbs you and keeps you disconnected from your feelings. A better way would be simply taking some deep breaths
  • Reflect upon the other person’s responses. Is their reaction a communication issue or are they out of touch with their feelings, unfamiliar with this kind of interaction, or simply set on feeling terrible or being right (see №5)? If it’s the later, let it go and focus your energy on thinking about what you can do — maybe move on from that relationship? Or if they are teachable or your child, keep at it and model good behavior. Instruct them on how to communicate and respond rather than react.


STORY: I want to share a quick story to reiterate how important all of this is. I have a friend who did some things they shouldn’t have. We didn’t talk to each other for a long time. They came back and asked to have a relationship again. I said I would consider it. They turned and shouted “No! You know what, I’ll decide. F*** you, get the f*** out of my life!”

Hmmm. Now you are just getting my side of the story, but in my opinion I was very rational. They reacted poorly and still don’t have what it seemed like they wanted.

A few things here. Either they didn’t actually want it and enjoy being a victim more than they think they would enjoy actually having a relationship (see №5) but can’t be honest about it, or are out of touch with their feelings and felt hurt by my non-immediate yes and decided to defensively lash out instead of saying they felt hurt that my answer was “I would consider it” vs “Yes!”.

From there, this is where you have to decide your next proactive move. Do you teach them? Are they willing to learn differently? Do you disconnect? Do you have another go at a productive conversation? For me, they had asked me not to engage with them and I don’t. Even though that may not be what they actually want depending on why they reacted that way, I show respect by doing as they asked.

By being in touch with your feelings and communicating in a responsive way you can salvage old relationships, heal wounds, and keep current relationships happy and healthy!

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

2020.8 Feel Your Feelings

Why this matters: I grew up with one half of the parental unit telling me I could feel my feelings, encouraging me to go to therapy, and being very willing to listen while I shared how I felt. The other half would tell me I couldn’t feel how I felt, would ignore my feelings, and ignore their own as well resulting in a lot of childhood turmoil for me.

I had a choice. This side or this one? Do I feel or go numb?

Pulled by both sides, there was often conflict, but overall I chose to feel.

And I am so much stronger for it.

As an example, I was recently in an interview and after answering a few questions the interviewer said “How old are you?”. They chuckled and then said “Don’t answer that, but you are so mature.” I attribute a lot of that to my self awareness and ability to recognize how I am feeling.

I don’t deal with conflict how many people do and sometimes, if they are wanting to get a rise out of me, that makes them mad. But they move on to find someone else.

Had I chosen to suppress more than I know I already was, who knows what I would be today. I remember being 8 and wanting to call the cops, being 10 and scribing ‘F*** You’ into my carpet with my big toe. I was mad. With that kind of anger, who knows what kind of person a child can become if those feelings are not dealt with.

What you can do:

  • Cry. — This is the most important one in my opinion for both men and women. I don’t like that crying historically is a ‘female thing’. Everyone has tear ducts. Everyone should cry. Let is out otherwise it stays in and can become something seriously explosive down the road
  • Journal or write about them. Keep track and see what makes them change
  • Talk them out with a trusted relation or to yourself — no shame
  • Draw or paint what they look like
  • Go to a counselor. They are often thought of as someone you go to when something is wrong with you, you’re crazy, etc. Not true. They are a professional who is there to help you work through your feelings so you can create healthy habits and move on from your upset. Personal opinion, but I’ve found that usually people who walk out of counseling appointments are people who really need it and whose behavior is meanwhile negatively affecting others
  • Workout and vent through safe physical activity
  • ** Please, teach your children how to feel. This is so important for ending generational cycles of physical and emotional abuse, poverty, and disease.


2020.9 Tie Up Loose Ends

Photo by Jake Oates on Unsplash

Why this matters: I don’t know about you but I keep a running list in my mind of everything I need to do and if something isn’t complete, it’s still there. This applies to todos, incomplete conversations, emotional things left undealt with, etc. If I don’t feel like our business is wrapped up, it’s going to nag at me, telling me there is more to do here.

Not only is it important to follow through with made promises, but it also makes me feel better knowing I didn’t leave a job unfinished.

Keeping your word establishes trust in your relationships, including the one you have with yourself. The more you keep promises to yourself, the deeper your bond with yourself goes. And this bond fosters confidence, self esteem, and a feeling of security.

When you can trust yourself to be there for you, you can begin to take intelligent risks and accomplish big dreams

What you can do:

  • Apologize and resolve outstanding conflict. Even if the person is no longer bothered by it, it might mean a lot to them that after all these years you came back to say you were sorry. I did this with a friend for something that they had forgotten about, but that was still on my mind and we both felt good afterwards and I was able to forgive myself and let it go
  • Hold people accountable. If they are not holding up their end to a deal, call them out on it. If they left you feeling a certain way the last time you interacted with them, let them know.
  • Do things you said you would — follow through. This could be something small such as taking out the trash or calling someone to check to holding yourself accountable for marriage vows you made years ago or being a parent to that child that you helped create
  • Pay outstanding debts. These too are promises. *If you want to hear about how I paid off all my student loans in two years, leave a comment.


2020.10 Poop 💩 Daily

Why this matters: Why do you take out your trash?

For those same reasons, you need to eliminate your own waste. Otherwise, just like your trash, it builds up, beings to smell, and is harder to move the more there is.

(yeah, I know it’s gross, but this actually is a serious topic that I wish society talked about more).

If you do not have a healthy colon you can experience different diseases and cancer. As someone who had IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) and a friend of someone with colon cancer, I know the value of regularity.

You are not too young to cause yourself issues. Go regularly, ideally everyday, if not every other. Otherwise please see your Dr.! Three, four days, a week is too long. You need to move, drink water, and get things flowing.

Don’t let it caramelize.

What you can do:

  • Move daily. Walk, run, dance, etc. In particular, move your abdominal area
  • Drink lots of water! (see №2)💦
  • Squat when you use the rest room. Modern toilets are terrible for your pooping posture. Get a small step stool and put your feet on it while you go so your knees are above your hips like you are squatting in the woods
  • Eat fiber 🥦🥒🥕🍠
  • Place a warm or cold pack on your abdomen or low back
  • Rub your abdomen in a clock-wise motion
  • Do not push hard
  • Destress. More on this to come in future parts, but real quick IBS is when you had digestive issues and no Dr. can figure out why. I can say mine was stress related. Since changing several aspects of my life, my IBS has gone away. We hold so much in our bodies. If you are having a hard time, assess your stress
  • Go when you need to go. Many of us hold onto it because we are busy or can’t find a restroom, the one disadvantage of not living in primitive times. If you have to go, listen to your body — again, listening is part of good communication. When I was young I had issues with this because I was afraid to go. I had received indirect messaging that females don’t poop (or toot). I also got messaging of hate towards women so in order to not be a girl I would go only when it felt safe to, sometimes waiting several days. If you have emotional issues such as this, please please please work through them. This is so unhealthy. And please don’t pass this crap on to your kin 👎
  • Stretch
  • Do deep stomach breathing. Breathe in and expand your belly so your belly button moves up towards the sky. Hold 3–4 seconds. Breathe it out. Repeat however many times you feel comfortable with


Thanks for reading! Part 2 coming soon. 🥳



Opportunity Made
Opportunity Made

Written by Opportunity Made

Real lessons to break patterns, get unstuck, find freedom in business & life. Katherine Lewis brings you empowering insights you can use to transform your life!

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